About Us

Hello what you doing here, we know why youre here stalkers lol. You wanna know all about us very well sit back and have tea or alcohol what ever oats youre boat. As a teenager ive always helped out my father at our family grocery store this is where i learned most my art in cooking and getting cussed out by my dad in punjabi every desi kid growing up knows whats it like trying to reach our parents expectations impossible it is. All jokes learning from my dad is one of the reasons of who iam as a cook and cater but the other part of me comes from my outgoing personality and creative random ideas along with experiance what also shaped me today as a person/cook. To be honest i wasnt sure that this was going to be a part of my life cause when i was making jalebi and dessert i was rst doing it cause i needed to pay bills hahaha got to make that bread so i can buy buy that new nintendo you what i mean right haha. But the longer i kept making jalebi the more i realized that i was good at it like it was a gift and everyone always complemented on the jalebi and dessert i made it felt good and i wanted to everyone one to leave with a happy face and a great experiance it made me feel like i was doing something important i was no celebrity or an athlete hell i wasnt even a pornstar but i felt like i was doing something important and i felt like i was doing something for my community other than doing stupid shit this was rewarding and thats how garm a garam jalebi started. When we started i wanted to bring the same experience that most of our parents had in India when they got fresh jalebi or other snacks like chaat and dosa cause when i see Indian weddings all i see is buffets and fancy setups plated chaats nothing wrong with that but i felt like it was my mission to bring the same street Indian experience but with a modernly fashion way i want to make it my mission to show the people why jalebi is more than a dessert its a fucking lifestyle. Its a art food a delicacy but a lifestyle that when we have a celebration hit fresh jalebi is welcome or when a marriage takes place fresh hot jalebi is something its a must when everyone celebrates fresh jalebi is a tradition when something amazing and joy-full happens in our life its more than just a sweet jalebi is life. First i did it as a job now this is a part of my life to make a difference in my community to make and create something diernent and unique what most people haven’t had yet.There you go you stalkers this is how garm a garm jalebi started and yes my jalebi is best just ask yo momma lol jk